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 RalstonCollege Graduation May2024 2

Ralston College admits second-ever class of graduates to their Masters degrees

News 20th May 2024

Twenty-three young men and women on Saturday became the second class to graduate from Ralston College, a new liberal arts university in Savannah’s National Historic Landmark District.

In a ceremony presided over by Chancellor Dr Jordan Peterson, the students were each admitted to their Master of Arts in the Humanities degrees before hundreds of family and friends, including many who had traveled from across the country to witness the historic occasion.

The College’s one-year graduate degree is unique in the world for offering students an eight-week modern Greek language residency at its campus on the island of Samos in Greece, followed by three consecutive terms at its 55,000-square-foot campus in Savannah where Ivy League- and Oxbridge-educated professors guide students through the study of more than thirty of the most profound, challenging and beautiful works of Western Civilization.

"Ralston College's commitment to truth, freedom, beauty, and fellowship finds its fullest expression in the young men and women who have now, by this intellectual achievement, become our alumni. They have achieved a standard of academic excellence to which future graduates of our college will, with courage, aspire," founding President Stephen Blackwood said.

"We believe wholeheartedly in the power of the Humanities: their capacity to enrich, to inspire, and to instill the qualities that allow for meaningful human lives guided by high aims and deep purpose. Every one of our students graduates with profound insights into our shared human experience which will illuminate the wonderfully varied paths on which they now embark."

The ceremony of Ralston College’s convocation continues the long-standing traditions performed at the world’s most ancient and influential universities which first granted academic degrees in the second half of the 12th century.

To retain the essential features of these ancient predecessors, the proceeding on May 20th at St John’s Episcopal Church was conducted according to the traditional process, and in Latin, the formal language for academic progression.

Graduands wore full academic dress meant to symbolize not only the nature of their achievement, but also their attaining membership to the higher status of an alumnus, or alumna, of the College. Seated, in order of their presentation, on both sides of the church, the graduands then proceeded to join their professors by being formally admitted to their degree and assuming the hood that denotes that status.

Following the ceremony, a bagpiper led graduates and guests from Madison Square to the College’s main academic building, 26 East Gaston Street, where speeches, toasts and a musical performance by students preceded an evening celebration at nearby Collins Quarter at Forsyth Park.


"Every one of our students graduates with profound insights into our shared human experience which will illuminate the wonderfully varied paths on which they now embark."

–Stephen Blackwood, President of Ralston College

Ralston College is a new, donor-funded liberal arts university in Savannah. Founded in 2010, it is a private, 501(c)(3) institution of higher education. The College has been authorized for operation and awarded degree-granting powers by the State of Georgia.

Ralston College is also seeking accreditation from the New England Commission of Higher Education, and was authorized on November 16th, 2023 to publish the following statement: “The New England Commission of Higher Education has determined that Ralston College is eligible to proceed with an application for candidacy for accreditation within two years. A determination of eligibility is not candidacy or accreditation, nor does it indicate a likelihood of eventual accreditation. Questions about eligibility and the accreditation process should be directed to the President of the Commission.”

Ralston College, whose campus currently includes several historic buildings throughout the city’s National Historic Landmark District, intends to launch an undergraduate program in the future.

The College is devoted to freedom of thought and speech, has no political or religious affiliations, and does not accept government funds. Its mission is to revive the conditions of a free and flourishing culture by providing transformative, rigorous education in the humanities. In addition to its degree program, the College also hosts free, public lecture series which has welcomed more than 1,500 guests.

To date, the College’s podcasts and online lectures–also available for free–have reached millions.      


Education and conversation free from censorship, cynicism, and corruption matter. Ralston College is a place for them to happen, for human flourishing and building anew.

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